Monday, August 25, 2008

Kellogg's Quick Response

I did not expect to receive a response so soon from Kellogg's. I feel a lot better knowing the black embedded spot inside the cream of my cookie was not an insect. CLICK ON IMAGE TO READ RESPONSE

I was satisfied with the two free coupons I received when they sent me the packaging to return the tainted cookie. I feel confident I can go back to buying their high quality products because it was only one cookie that had a black embedded spot. I also appreciate them sending me two more coupons and two DVD's City Slickers and Anna and the King. They are two good picks because I am a fan of Jodie Foster and Billy Crystal...How did they know? :)


Lisa Emrich said...

Wow, DVDs?

Coupons I understand. Good thing it wasn't something organic. And good for you for reporting it.

Denver Refashionista said...

Sweet. I'm proud of you for making this happen.

Unknown said...

This is good! Good for you and good for them.


Don said...

Good business.

Tia's Real Talk said...

Thanks Don for telling me about this site!
I too am living with MS and I can't wait to read your posts! I have a lot of catching up to do. Feel free to stop by anytime!

Blinders Off said...


I am thankful it was not what I thought it was. The DVD's were nice, but I do not know when I will have time to watch them.

Blinders Off said...


I could write a book on how a challenged businesses, insurance companies, government, and employers not only for me, but also for others.


It is good for them because had they not responded, they would have found out how persistent I can be until I receive an answer.


WELCOME...Stop in anytime

Blinders Off said...


I am glad Don told you about my sight, but I am one of many who blog living with MS. I found the MS blogging community to be supportive and welcoming.

Stop by anytime and check out the other MS'ers who blog, they are linked and there is a link on my sidebar that has over 200 bloggers who live with MS. Lisa Emrich took the time to locate them, her sight is Brass and Ivory and she is the founder of MS Carnival.