Sorry I have been gone awhile, but I have been very busy working hard with a non-profit I am very passionate about. It feels GREAT to believe in a vision, dedicate my time to cultivate programs and watch that vision come to fruition.
Our vision is that all children can develop and/or improve communication, public speaking and leadership skills; develop and/or improve self-esteem and self-confidence; and learn discipline by embracing the cultural arts.
Click and visit our website and read about the wonderful program we started in September and to keep up with future programs we will be doing. While I am at do not hesitate to become a FAN of Friendship Safehaven on Face Book. Also, I am not too proud to beg if you believe in what we are doing and can spare a few dollars, click on our donate tab to help us continue offering what we are doing for our young people FREE OF CHARGE.

I have not stopped, but I have cut down tremendously...so please give me a little credit. The desire is there in my heart to stop, being honest to myself I do not want to stop completely. As one of my good virtual friend Black Diaspora said to me, "Once you make up your MIND to never pick up another cigarette that is when you will stop smoking." Your prayers were not in vain...I will stop smoking completely VERY SOON.
Take heart. It's possible. My husband, a former 3-pack-a-day smoker, gave it up and has not smoked in years. Good luck.
I am down to a half a pack a day. That is GOOD for me because I use to be two packs a day.
Blinders Off, if you're not giving up, I'm not giving up. You're still in my prayers, and together, all Three of Us, we can beat this.
I tried quitting several times, and failed several times, before I finally found the firmness of mind and heart to kick it.
Here's a recent statistic that surprised me: 3 out of 5 people kicked the habit by going cold turkey--no gum, no patches.
As long as the "desire is there in [your] heart to stop," you're more than half-way home.
I'm proud of you. Cutting back at all is a big achievement.
I like what you're doing with your non-profit, and will donate--as well as follow your progress.
Thanks for the opportunity to participate.
When I figure out my FB, I will certainly add your worthy project. Your last butt will arrive one day.
Thanks for still having faith in me that I will one day stop. I am proud of how much I cut back, I am half way there.
I have volunteer with several organizations, but Friendship is special to my heart. There is this young boy I more or less have adopted who lives in public housing. Before we officially kicked off the MASK program, we obtained permission from the Housing Authority to use a substation for three Saturday's in the month of August to reach the children there. On the first Saturday no one came to register, but they were curious and ask question. On the second Saturday this young boy came who I notice was hanging out with boys much older than him. Before he left that second Saturday, he told us he was going to spread the word and have more kids there on our last Saturday there.
It touched our hearts when he stayed true to his word, a few mothers signed their child(ren) up to participate in our MASK program that was going to start in September at the community center that is located miles from the public housing area. It broke my heart that the young boy in question mother did not come to register him. He had this sad look on his face and said he would not be able to come because his mother would not bring him.
Before I left that area, I asked him to show me where he lives. I am not going to talk bad about his mother, but she had a brand new car sitting in her parking space, but I knew what time it was and I told his mother that he really wants to participate and I will personally come and get him and bring him back each Saturday. If only you could have seen his face when he realized he would be able to participate in the program. When you go to the website he is the young boy with dreads. He has really blossom since September. I wish there was a way you could see the children when they use all the skills they have been learning during our dinner theatre/silent auction fundraiser in May.
The best I can do is make sure there are plenty of pictures on the website after the performance. There are more pictures going up from workshops they have been doing, so make sure you keep checking the website.
After reading that you said you will be making a donation, a donation came in. I only know you as BD, if that was your contribution I want to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU and remember all donations are tax deductible.
I am positive you will get the hang of FB soon. My older sister just signed up and if she can do it anyone can. lol
I signed up to FB so I could become a fan Friendship Safehaven once we officially had our website. The reason we could use all the fans on FB is because of the corporate sponsors and donors we have obtained and the ones we are seeking to obtain looks at that when they are making decision to donate. Our website is still in its early phase, but we will be listing our corporate donors soon, now that we have their permission to do so.
The funny thing about FB it is like a family reunion, after signing up all kind of family members sent me friends' requests. I had no idea I was so much out of the loop, I also have high school classmates I have seen in over thirty years reach me since signing up on FB. I am still getting use to it and it's been fun hearing seeing people I have not seen in years. FB is okay, but I am a blogger for life.
You will read about it here first when my last butt arrive :)
"I only know you as BD, if that was your contribution I want to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU...."
I did donate, and will donate again.
I love your passion for your work, and that you're making a difference in these young lives, giving them an alternative to all the other stuff going on around them.
"If only you could have seen his face when he realized he would be able to participate in the program. When you go to the website he is the young boy with dreads."
I'll look for him, and follow the progress of the others, as well.
I knew that had to be you, once again THANK YOU. The young boy I was mentioning is the one sitting in the chair with a blue sweat shirt on facing a young girl while the other students are seeing them on the television set. More pictures are going up soon from other workshops of the students.
It has been a joy watching the growth of these young people from when they first started the program.
I haven't smoked in 4 years now, haven't felt good since! I thought nicotine was our friend?
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